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Distress Tolerance 

A mental health occupational therapist helps individuals build distress tolerance skills to manage overwhelming emotions in order to improve their daily function. Their role includes:

  1. Assessment: Identify emotional triggers and difficulties.

  2. Education: Explain distress tolerance and its importance.

  3. Skill Building: Teach specific coping techniques.

  4. Crisis Planning: Develop action plans for crisis situations.

  5. Behavior Modification: Replace harmful behaviors with healthier alternatives.

  6. Emotional Regulation: Help clients understand and manage intense feelings.

  7. Individualized Approach: Customize strategies to meet each client's needs.

  8. Progress Monitoring: Continuously assess and adjust interventions.

  9. Collaboration: Work with other professionals for comprehensive care.


Occupational therapists empower clients to navigate distress effectively and improve their emotional well-being, in order to be able to function effectively and efficiently in their daily lives.

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